Since early this year, Agraz has directed its efforts to increase the number of hectares in which develops its sustainable farming. We have surpassed the 90 hectares but as months move forward this figure will continue to grow
At Agraz we believe that we can do sustainable agriculture from the beginning to the end, because of that, we are working hard to satisfy our customers. We think that the best way to show you how we are working is just show you all the process taken for apreciate the differents steps during the crop.
We want to be transparent and for that reason we are focused in give to all our clients all the information about our crop, step by step with the safety that we are doing a good job.
Follow us in this site or please contact us to send you more information about Agraz agriculture.
Are you interested in our tomato culture evolution? You can check the different stages on our fields, from seedlings transplant fo fileds to the final recollection.
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