Author Archive

Gm purple tomato tastier and healthier

A genetically modified purple tomato that is richer in antioxidants and that is tastier than the normal variety. This is what scientists have been working on and what have been able to produce. The tomatoes were genetically modified by researchers at the John Innes Centre in Norfolk UK. They have discovered that a specific compound...

Europe’s policies on climate change

A recent study by the Stockholm environment institute (SEI) in collaboration with friends of the earth demonstrates that Europe is able to comply with its environmental justice responsibility. The study demonstrates that it is possible to reduce green house emission by at least 40% by 2020 and by 90% in 2050  with the use of...

Hybrid seeds v GMO’s

Hybrid seeds, GMO (genetically-modified)seeds. most people have the idea that they are the same thing  and the terms are often used interchangeably. Both GMO’s and Hybrid varieties refer to varieties that are developed artificially by cross breeding, however there are some significant differences. Hybrid varieties are developed from same species. Hybridisation consists in cross breeding...

Waste management

According to FAO, by 2050 the world’s population will reach 9.1 Billion. Most of this will take place in developing countries, in order to feed this larger population food production must increase by 70%. Annual cereal production will need to increase by to about 3 billion tonnes from the 2.1 billion of today. However the European commission...

New professions in Green Agriculture

The development of sustainable agriculture is opening up new professional opportunities such as conservation biologists environmental scientists, food and safety specialists. Sustainable agriculture is not necessarily organic agriculture and although they are different, they  are often used interchangeably. Sustainability  relates to managing renewable resources, waste, biomass and energy, water resources and controlling and reducing Co2...

New bird species in Spain

The scientific and conservationist association Sociedad Espanola de Ornitolocia o SEO/Birdlife is one of the first Spanish conservationist NGOs and actively collaborating with Agraz  for the conservation of  birdlife. SEO/Birdlife has recently updated its catalogue of birds. The update counts up to 56 new species since the last edition was published in 2005.  SEO/Birdlife has...

The future of young farmers in the EU

As a consequence of Europe’s aging agricultural population, a new European-wide campaign has been launched in order to raise public awareness with regards to an aging crisis. The organizer of the campaign is a non governmental  organization CEJA,  European Council of Young Farmers. The organization wants to promote the agricultural sector in order to make this sector...

Health benefits of tomatoes

Tomato is the worlds most popular vegetable after potato. Belonging to the family of  Solanecee, tomatoes originate from south America and they are  cultivated almost everywhere. Although other vegetables may contain many more minerals and vitamins, tomato  contributes more effectively to dietary supplements because of its wider application and versatility of use in gastronomy. In...

Biofuels mandates in crisis?

Last week on the 22nd and 23rd Ecologic movement Ecologistas en accion organised a two days event to discuss the European policies on Biofuels  and transport model and in coordination with transport and environment and Amigos de la tierra, a debate opened on Europe’s approach towards the energy crisis. The continuous deterioration and dependency on...

Choosing the right Ketchup

 Although we normally tend to associate ketchup with American fast food and American gastronomy , ketchup has in fact eastern origins . The term ketchup originates from the Malaysian word kecap which is a sauce based on fermented salted fish (usually anchovy). The sauce was originally imported in Europe in the 1600 where it was adapted...

Protecting biodiversity in Guadiana basin.

Regulating and moderating the consumption of water is a priority and a necessity for a modern sustainable agriculture. We know that water supply is limited and that we need to regulate its use. The natural flow of a river is being affected by human activity by the diversion  of water courses  and storage of water...

Why cooked tomatoes are healthier

Cooked tomatoes are healthier than raw tomatoes. Fresh tomatoes are known for their antioxidant content as well as for their vitamins. If we looked around It would be hard to find a healthier fruit.Most people know that tomatoes as other vegetables and fruits in general are regarded as health food and in most cases integrated...