New professions in Green Agriculture
The development of sustainable agriculture is opening up new professional opportunities such as conservation biologists environmental scientists, food and safety specialists. Sustainable agriculture is not necessarily organic agriculture and although they are different, they are often used interchangeably. Sustainability relates to managing renewable resources, waste, biomass and energy, water resources and controlling and reducing Co2...
The future of young farmers in the EU
As a consequence of Europe’s aging agricultural population, a new European-wide campaign has been launched in order to raise public awareness with regards to an aging crisis. The organizer of the campaign is a non governmental organization CEJA, European Council of Young Farmers. The organization wants to promote the agricultural sector in order to make this sector...
Health benefits of tomatoes
Tomato is the worlds most popular vegetable after potato. Belonging to the family of Solanecee, tomatoes originate from south America and they are cultivated almost everywhere. Although other vegetables may contain many more minerals and vitamins, tomato contributes more effectively to dietary supplements because of its wider application and versatility of use in gastronomy. In...
Choosing the right Ketchup
Although we normally tend to associate ketchup with American fast food and American gastronomy , ketchup has in fact eastern origins . The term ketchup originates from the Malaysian word kecap which is a sauce based on fermented salted fish (usually anchovy). The sauce was originally imported in Europe in the 1600 where it was adapted...
Protecting biodiversity in Guadiana basin.
Regulating and moderating the consumption of water is a priority and a necessity for a modern sustainable agriculture. We know that water supply is limited and that we need to regulate its use. The natural flow of a river is being affected by human activity by the diversion of water courses and storage of water...
Why cooked tomatoes are healthier
Cooked tomatoes are healthier than raw tomatoes. Fresh tomatoes are known for their antioxidant content as well as for their vitamins. If we looked around It would be hard to find a healthier fruit.Most people know that tomatoes as other vegetables and fruits in general are regarded as health food and in most cases integrated...
Managing Tuta Absoluta
One of the main challenges for tomato growers in recent years has been the difficulty in controlling Tuta Absoluta. A tiny tomato leafmine (Lepidoptera : Gelechiidae), Tuta Absoluta is causing devastating effects for growers in the mediterrenean region. The pest originated from South America where it has been around since the 60’s and was first...
Managing the water ciris
Water management has in recent years become one the main topics of debates in what concerns global sustainability. Water is a necessary resource for our well being, our very survival well as for the preservation of ecosystems. With the globalization of the economy the use of water has increased drastically during the past ten years due...
How tomatoes lost their taste
If you ever tried home grown tomatoes you probably wandered why they taste better than the commercially produced ones or the ones you commonly find in supermarket shelves. A team of scientists from the Us and Spain coordinated by Ann Powel from University of California in Davis have discovered the reason why: a genetic mutation,...
Tomatoes fosters your wellbeing
Eating tomatoes twice a week increases your wellbeing makes you happier and prevents depression. A new study published in the journal of affective disorders this year by a group of researchers from china and Japan revealed that eating tomatoes may not be a cure for depression but it can help lowering the chances of falling...
Optimizing the agricultural irrigation system
The rise in world population and improvement in living standards in developing countries will result in an increase in agricultural product demand. As agriculture products demand increases water is becoming a precious commodity especially in poorer countries where agricultural land and water for irrigation are of primary importance. Today’s world population of 6,000 million is...